Are you in Rochdale & having problems with your telephone or broadband service provider?
Why not talk directly to Peter your local highly qualified Ex BT telephone engineer? Burytec understand just how frustrating & difficult it can be to deal with a service provider call centre.
Burytec can help you quickly identify the source of any fault with your telephone or broadband service in the Rochdale area.
Burytec can provide the correct level of complete expertise to resolve your problems, at an affordable & competitive price. Burytec has considerable experience in making all your broadband & telephone connected devices work well together this includes items such as game stations, smart televisions, wirelessly connected items, tablets, alarm dialers, Tunstall lifeline equipment, phones, fax machines, and standard & fibre broadband wireless routers.
No 20% VAT to pay
Appointments are available within 2 days
Telephone wiring faults repaired
Telephone line-related broadband problems
Broadband problems investigated
Telephone ringing faults
Diagnose the source of noisy telephone line faults
Rochdale Telephone Exchange serves something in the region of 50,000 subscribers and can offer an extensive range of broadband services from many different communications providers other than BT / Plusnet / EE. Depending on your location within the Rochdale area you will most probably be able to subscribe to FTTC (fibre) high-speed broadband, there are some great deals to be had for this providing you shop around.
Despite any local external supply network cabling problems it will be realistic to obtain speeds in the region of 30 plus Mbps as standard and up to 76 Mbps with ideal conditions on both your internal & external wiring. This is a great option if you are quite far away from the exchange, as most of the benefits are achieved by the installation of a fibre optic cable from the exchange to your local green cabinet. Why not do a little investigating yourself on the SamKnows website to see what your service options are, based on your post code & house number/building name?